NB5 Docs► Workloads 101▼ 05 Op Tags 🖺

Op Tags Defined

Tags are used to mark and filter groups of op templates for controlling which ones get used in a given scenario. Tags are generally free-form, but there is a set of conventions that can make your testing easier.

An example:

 name: foxtrot
 unit: bravo

Tag Filtering Rules

The tag filters provide a flexible set of conventions for filtering tagged statements. Tag filters are usually provided as an activity parameter when an activity is launched. The rules for tag filtering are:

  1. If no conjugate is specified, all(...) is assumed. This is in keeping with the previous default. If you do specify a conjugate wrapper around the tag filter, it must be in one of these forms: all(...), any(...), or none(...).
  2. If no tag filter is specified, then the op template matches.
  3. A tag name predicate like tags=name asserts the presence of a specific tag name, regardless of its value.
  4. A tag value predicate like tags=name:foxtrot asserts the presence of a specific tag name and a specific value for it.
  5. A tag pattern predicate like tags=name:'fox.*' asserts the presence of a specific tag name and a value that matches the provided regular expression.
  6. Multiple tag predicates may be specified as in tags=name:'fox.*',unit:bravo
    1. If the all conjugate form is used (the default), then if any predicate fails to match a tagged element, then the whole tag filtering expression fails to match.
    2. If the any conjugate form is used, then if all predicates fail to match a tagged element, then the whole tag filtering expression fails to match.
    3. If the none conjugate form is used, then if any predicate matches, a tagged element, then the whole tag filtering expression matches.

Tag Filtering Examples

A demonstration:

# stdout-test.yaml
 name: foxtrot
 unit: bravo
 - "I'm alive!\n"
# no tag filter matches any
[test]$ ./nb5 run driver=stdout workload=stdout-test
I'm alive!

# tag name assertion matches
[test]$ ./nb5 run driver=stdout workload=stdout-test tags=name
I'm alive!

# tag name assertion does not match
[test]$ ./nb5 run driver=stdout workload=stdout-test tags=name2
02:25:28.158 [scenarios:001] ERROR i.e.activities.stdout.StdoutActivity - Unable to create a stdout statement if you have no active statements or bindings configured.

# tag value assertion does not match
[test]$ ./nb5 run driver=stdout workload=stdout-test tags=name:bravo
02:25:42.584 [scenarios:001] ERROR i.e.activities.stdout.StdoutActivity - Unable to create a stdout statement if you have no active statements or bindings configured.

# tag value assertion matches
[test]$ ./nb5 run driver=stdout workload=stdout-test tags=name:foxtrot
I'm alive!

# tag pattern assertion matches
[test]$ ./nb5 run driver=stdout workload=stdout-test tags=name:'fox.*'
I'm alive!

# tag pattern assertion does not match
[test]$ ./nb5 run driver=stdout workload=stdout-test tags=name:'tango.*'
02:26:05.149 [scenarios:001] ERROR i.e.activities.stdout.StdoutActivity - Unable to create a stdout statement if you have no active statements or bindings configured.

# compound tag predicate matches every assertion
[test]$ ./nb5 run driver=stdout workload=stdout-test tags='name=fox.*',unit=bravo
I'm alive!

# compound tag predicate does not fully match
[test]$ ./nb5 run driver=stdout workload=stdout-test tags='name=fox.*',unit=delta
11:02:53.490 [scenarios:001] ERROR i.e.activities.stdout.StdoutActivity - Unable to create a stdout statement if you have no active statements or bindings configured.

# any(...) form will work as long as one of the tags match
[test]$ ./nb5 run driver=stdout workload=stdout-test tags='any(name=fox.*,thisone:wontmatch)',unit=bravo
I'm alive!