NB5 Docs► Reference Section► Binding Functions▼ diagnostic functions 🖺

Diagnostic functions can be used to help you construct the right VirtData recipe.


Show diagnostic values for the thread-local variable map.



Adapts any compatible {@link FunctionalInterface} type to a LongFunction, for use with higher-order functions, when they require a LongFunction as an argument. Some of the higher-order functions within this library specifically require a LongFunction as an argument, while some of the other functions are provided in semantically equivalent forms with compatible types which can't be converted directly or automatically by Java. In such cases, those types of functions can be wrapped with the forms described here in order to allow the inner and outer functions to work together.


Adapts any compatible {@link FunctionalInterface} type to a LongUnaryOperator, for use with higher-order functions, when they require a LongUnaryOperator as an argument. Some of the higher-order functions within this library specifically require a LongUnaryOperator as an argument, while some of the other functions are provided in semantically equivalent forms with compatible types which can't be converted directly or automatically by Java. In such cases, those types of functions can be wrapped with the forms described here in order to allow the inner and outer functions to work together.


Yields the class of the resulting type in String form.