NB5 Docs► Reference Section► Drivers▼ Built-In Adapters 🖺

Built-In Adapters

NoSQLBench supports a variety of different operations. For operations like sending a query to a database, a native driver is typically used with help of the DriverAdapter API. For basic operations, like writing the content of a templated message to stdout, no native driver is needed, although the mechanism of stdout is still implemented via the same Adapter API. In effect, if you want to allow NoSQLBench to understand your op templates in a new way, you add an Adapter and program it to interpret op templates in a specific way.

Each op template of an activity can be configured to use a specific adapter. The driver=... parameter sets the default adapter to use for all op templates in an activity. However, this can be overridden per op template with the driver field.

Discovering Driver Adapters

NoSQLBench comes with some drivers built-in. You can discover these by running:

nb5 --list-drivers

Each one comes with its own built-in documentation. It can be accessed with this command:

nb5 help <driver>

This section contains the per-driver documentation that you get when you run the above command. These driver docs are auto-populated when NoSQLBench is built, so they are exactly the same as you will see with the above command, only rendered in HTML.

External Adapter jars

It is possible to load an adapter from a jar at runtime. If the environment variable NBLIBDIR is set, it is taken as a library search path for jars, separated by a colon. For each element in the lib paths that exists, it is added to the classpath. If the element is a named .jar file, it is added. If it is a directory, then all jar files in that directory are added.