NB5 Docs► Reference Section► Drivers▼ S4J 🖺

1. Overview

This driver is similar to NB Pulsar driver that allows NB based workload generation and performance testing against a Pulsar cluster. It also follows a similar pattern to configure and connect to the Pulsar cluster for workload execution.

However, the major difference is instead of simulating native Pulsar client workloads, the NB S4J driver allows simulating JMS oriented workloads (that follows JMS spec 2.0 and 1.1) to be executed on the Pulsar cluster. Under the hood, this is achieved through DataStax's [Starlight for JMS API] (https://github.com/datastax/pulsar-jms).

2. Execute NB S4J Workload

The following is an example of executing a NB S4J workload (defined as pulsar_s4j.yaml)

$ <nb_cmd> run driver=s4j cycles=10000 threads=4 num_conn=2 num_session=2 session_mode="client_ack" strict_msg_error_handling="false" web_url=http://localhost:8080 service_url=pulsar://localhost:6650 config=/path/to/nb_s4j_config.properties yaml=/path/to/pulsar_s4j.yaml -vv --logs-dir=s4j_log

In the above NB CLI command, the S4J driver specific parameters are listed as below:

Other NB engine parameters are straight forward:

3. NB S4J Driver Configuration Parameter File

The S4J API has a list of configuration options that can be found here: https://docs.datastax.com/en/streaming/starlight-for-jms/latest/reference/pulsar-jms-reference.html.

The NB S4J driver supports these configuration options via a config property file, an example of which is listed below. The configuration parameters in this file are grouped into several groups. The comments below explain how the grouping works.

# Overview: Starlight for JMS (S4J) API configuration items are listed at:
#           https://docs.datastax.com/en/fast-pulsar-jms/docs/1.1/pulsar-jms-reference.html#_configuration_options

# S4J API specific configurations (non Pulsar specific) - jms.***


# Pulsar client related configurations - client.***
# - Valid settings: http://pulsar.apache.org/docs/en/client-libraries-java/#client
# - These Pulsar client settings (without the "client." prefix) will be
#   directly used as S4J configuration settings, on a 1-to-1 basis.
# only relevant when authentication is enabled
# only relevant when in-transit encryption is enabled

# Producer related configurations (global) - producer.***
# - Valid settings: http://pulsar.apache.org/docs/en/client-libraries-java/#configure-producer
# - These Pulsar producer settings (without "producer." prefix) will be collectively (as a map)
#   mapped to S4J connection setting of "producerConfig"
# disable producer batching

# Consumer related configurations (global) - consumer.***
# - Valid settings: http://pulsar.apache.org/docs/en/client-libraries-java/#configure-consumer
# - These Pulsar producer settings (without "consumer." portion) will be collectively (as a map)
#   mapped to S4J connection setting of "consumerConfig"

4. NB S4J Scenario Definition File

Like any NB scenario yaml file, the NB S4J yaml file is composed of 3 major components:

 ... ...
 ... ...
 ... ...

4.1. Document Level Parameters

The parameters defined in this section will be applicable to all statement blocks. An example of some common parameters that can be set at the document level is listed below:

 temporary_dest: "false"
 dest_type: "<jms_destination_type>"
 async_api: "true"
 txn_batch_num: <number_of_message_ops_in_one_transaction>
 blocking_msg_recv: <whehter_to_block_when_receiving_messages>
 shared_topic: <if_shared_topic_or_not>  // only relevant when the destination type is a topic
 durable_topic: <if_durable_topic_or_not>  // only relevant when the destination type is a topic

Please NOTE that the above parameters won't necessarily be specified at the document level. If they're specified at the statement level, they will only impact the statement within which they're specified.

4.2. NB S4J Workload Types

The NB S4J driver supports 2 types of JMS operations:

4.2.1. Publish Messages to a JMS Destination, Queue or Topic

NOTE: Please see pulsar_s4j_producer.yaml as the complete example.

The NB S4J statement block for publishing messages to a JMS destination (either a Queue or a topic) has the following format.

        ## The value represents the destination (queue or topic) name)
        MessageProduce: "mys4jtest_t"

        ## (Optional) JMS headers (in JSON format).
        msg_header: |
            "<header_key>": "<header_value>"

        ## (Optional) JMS properties, predefined or customized (in JSON format).
        msg_property: |
            "<property1_key>": "<property_value1>",
            "<property2_key>": "<property_value2>"

        ## (Optional) JMS message types, default to be BYTES.
        msg_type: "text"

        ## (Mandatory) JMS message body. Value depends on msg_type.
        msg_body: "{mytext_val}"

4.2.2. Receiving Messages from a JMS Destination, Queue or Topic

NOTE: Please see pulsar_s4j_consumer.yaml as the complete example.

The generic NB S4J statement block for receiving messages to a JMS destination (either a Queue or a topic) has the following format. All the statement specific parameters are listed as below.

        ## The value represents the destination (queue or topic) name)
        MessageProduce: "mys4jtest_t"

        ## (Optional) client side message selector
        msg_selector: ""

        ## (Optional) No Local
        no_local: "true"

        ## (Optional) Read Timeout
        read_timeout: "10"

        ## (Optional) Receive message without wait
        no_wait: "true"

        ## (Optional) Message acknowledgement ratio
        msg_ack_ratio: "0.5"

        ## (Optional) Simulate slow consumer acknowledgement
        # must be non-negative numbers. negative numbers will be treated as 0
        # 0 - means no simulation
        # positive value - the number of seconds to pause before acknowledgement
        slow_ack_in_sec: "0"

        ## (Optional) Statement level settings for Consumer
        ## AckTimeout value (at least 1 second)
        consumer.ackTimeoutMillis: 1000

        ## DLQ policy
        consumer.deadLetterPolicy: '{ "maxRedeliverCount": "2" }'

        ## NegativeAck Redelivery policy
        consumer.negativeAckRedeliveryBackoff: |

        ## AckTimeout Redelivery policy
        consumer.ackTimeoutRedeliveryBackoff: |

4.3. S4J Named Scenario

For workload execution convenience, NB engine has the concept of named scenario (doc).

For NB S4R adapter, the following yaml file is used to define the named scenarios: nbs4j_msg_proc_named.yaml

The CLI command to execute the S4J named scenarios (against an AS streaming tenant) is as simple as below. By default, the scenarios will be executed against localhost.

# for message sender workload
$ <nb_cmd> nbs4j_msg_proc_named msg_send service_url=pulsar+ssl://pulsar-gcp-uscentral1.streaming.datastax.com:6651 web_url=https://pulsar-gcp-uscentral1.api.streaming.datastax.com

# for message receiver workload
$ <nb_cmd> nbs4j_msg_proc_named msg_recv service_url=pulsar+ssl://pulsar-gcp-uscentral1.streaming.datastax.com:6651 web_url=https://pulsar-gcp-uscentral1.api.streaming.datastax.com

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